Xciti Blog for ExCitibankers Worldwide

A Community jointly brought to you by Xciti.net, Citialumni, CAC6019, Citi-UK Club

Monday, February 20, 2006

The story of the Logo

It might be of common interest.
The Xciti logo way back in late 2000 was very close the the original Citibank/group.
I had a couple of calls with the folks over there (btw quite similar to the ones BMW had with me concerning my other website).
In order not to weaken my lifestyle I decided to change it.
I put up my creative hat.
It had to be short, light, look good in a browser, repeat the site name, link to Citi but show change.
The result is what you see now:
-Big large italic X to signify Ex, red because red is the color for change, creativity, emotion, passion.
-A more politically correct citi-blue than takes over the institutional part with fonts close to the official ones but different enough -and maybe better looking- not to have lawyers ringing.
It went life with the 2nd version of Xciti.net in early 2001.