Xciti Blog for ExCitibankers Worldwide

A Community jointly brought to you by Xciti.net, Citialumni, CAC6019, Citi-UK Club

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Welcome Xciti bloggers!

Just a small post to welcome you. To get familiar with the blog please click on the comments link in the line right after this post and -be polite- tell us ho much you like the idea of a worldwide Ex Citibankers Blog.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Xciti never sleeps (Blog!)

Now NY (needs username and pw to access http://citialum.typepad.com/the_citialum_weblog/) and London have their Bloggino covering a limitied audience.
I admit it is easy to set one up and administer it. But have you ever asked yourself if this is the way to go?
The average excitibanker is either busy doing business and/or a computer/web illiterate (to check this ask them what an RSS feed is) to access a Bloggino regularly (either direct or via feed) and participate in the the discussions.
My fear is that there is a lot of dispersion by having lots of Blogginis around and that these efforts will result in very few posts as well as comments.
In addition they will not reach every excitibanker.
My idea was to have one for all: A Community jointly brought to you by Xciti.net, Citialumni, CAC6019, Xciti Italia, Citi-UK Club (as I state in the header).
Of course NY or London could become that.
But having it under the "global" umbrella of Xciti.net would make more sense IMHO.
I cannot imagine an excitibanker being on more than one of these.
And that one should be the one with the larger audience.
Together we may get a (critical) mass of say 2500 excitibakers in total and possibly 200 active bloggers.
Taken one by one I don't think.
Up to you guys/chaps.
Just let me know if I should pull the global one to get rid at least of one of the redundancies.
All I am doing is to try to coordinate and to make the excitibankers community a global one as was our employer.

PS: this is gonna get published on http://xciti.blogspot.com/ (Alan' s incoming mail server has troubles with its spam policy)
PPS for the guys in Italy: a global blog would be an ideal tool of communication for what I have heard you are planing for 2006.

Paolo Zellner
fslpz.net xciti.net

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.

Il giorno 07/gen/06, alle ore 10:32, Dave Parker ha scritto:


I have never been involved with 'blogging' before, although I think I understand the concept.

Following your lead, I have also set one up for London, and am asking the club membership to provide comments, or even whether the idea has any merit.

The blog is at http://citi-uk-club.blogspot.com/ .... should you like to keep an eye on how things progress.

Like your blog, we are in a sort of training period.

Thanks for the introduction of a great idea.


Dave Parker
Citi-UK Club

----- Original Message -----
From: Jean REMY
To: Paolo Zellner
Cc: Alan C Anderson ; Antonio Falo' ; Dave Parker ; Silvia Nicotra
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Xciti never sleeps (Blog!)

thanks Paolo,

I think the blog is a good idea indeed,

but I lack the support and trainings we used to have at Citi...
and I still have to educate myself on the "blog technology and uses" !!

good luck for this new move

and happy 2006 again


p.s.: by the way, I never have had any problems with the windows environment ...
----- Original Message -----
From: Paolo Zellner
To: Jean Remy ; Antonio Falo' ; Silvia Nicotra ; Dave Parker
Cc: Alan C Anderson
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 2:37 PM
Subject: Xciti never sleeps (Blog!)

Lady and Gents,

Apart from being in the middle of the server migration of Xciti.net I took up an idea of Alan in the US and set up a blog.

A blog is an excellent tool to cross feed, inform, interact, discuss ect.

The thing is actually online at http://xciti.blogspot.com/ but of course it needs to be adopted by you and your members.
At this point I am the administrator and can add members (which might also have admin functions).
Only the so called members can originate posts.
Technically at this point of stage everybody accessing it can post comments to posts.
This can be restricted as well as comments be censored.
I am the administrator/owner and can and entitle new members (which might have admin functions).
If you agree I may add you or the ones you chose to qualify as members.
After this we can roll it out to our Ex citibankers to use, worldwide.

My opinion is that one blog for the whole population is ok and that Alan is right when he says that only a few may in fact post to the Blog.

BTW there is an RSS feed so that you can be updated instantly when a post hits the blog.

Let me know your thoughts and ideas on how to proceed.


Paolo Zellner
fslpz.net xciti.net

I enjoy using my computer, I cannot recall hearing a Windows based user say the same.